Einzigartige Aktivitäten in Latin America

Einzigartige Aktivitäten in Latin America

Buche unvergessliche Aktivitäten von und mit Einheimischen auf Airbnb.

Erstklassig bewertete Aktivitäten

Graffiti-Tour Comuna Trece und Streetfood
What does the tour include? - Local guide in Spanish or English - Delicious Empanadas - Fried platane with mashed up tomato and onion - Mini Sausages - Mango ice cream - Know the story behind many graffiti - Visit the escalators of Comuna 13 - Artistic Shows in Comuna 13 - Visit another neighborhood called Independencia 2 And much more. What will we do? First we will go up the mountain called Independencia 1, wich one is the neightborhood with more graffitis in all Medellín, and we will be explainig you the history behind a lot of graffitis. Then we'll go inside my Grandmother's home (this is when the guide is Jamerson or Jeaneth). We'll try an expecial and typical mango ice cream with salt and lemon wich one is including in the tour, and inside my Grandmother's home I will explain you everything about the painful past of la Comuna 13, and our personal histories like locals of la Comuna 13 as well. Then we will take the escalators that leads to the top of the mountain, and I will show you an amazing viewpoint to see all Medellin City, (here we will try more local food). Then we'll go to Independencia 2 to see more about the second part of the history, explaining about the biggest urban mass grave in a all the world, Present and Transformation of the Comuna 13 as well. After we will go back to the meeting point to do the end of the tour.
Buenos Aires für Neugierige – entdecke den Süden der Stadt
:: Please, check the language options by date before booking :: Discover Buenos Aires from an anthropological point of view. Don't expect to just walk and listen: be prepared to talk, make questions and discuss about the past, present and future of the Argentinean capital. Beginning in Lezama Park and ending in Casa Rosada, this walk offers you the chance to approach this beautiful city from its historical past in an attempt to understand its current present. Who were the first inhabitants? Why were the British so interested in this shores? Where is the African-descendant population? Where did all these white people come from? What is the deal with Evita and Perón? Who were the "desaparecidos" during the military dictatorship? And why do we have such a big problem with the US dollar? These are just some of the many questions we will try to answer in our walk through the most historical part of town.
Spaziergang durch die Altstadt von Oaxaca
Descubre Oaxaca de Juárez con un tour que explora arte, historia y geografía. Como guía especializado, te sumergiré en la cultura oaxaqueña y sus orígenes, recorriendo los límites históricos de la ciudad. Esta experiencia revelará lugares emblemáticos y su contexto histórico, desvelando la singularidad cultural de Oaxaca. Desde el encantador Barrio de Jalatlaco hasta el icónico Parque Paseo Juárez El Llano y el fascinante Centro Histórico de la Ciudad de Oaxaca. ¡Únete a este tour en Oaxaca de Juárez para explorar lo mejor de esta ciudad llena de historia y tradición!
Segeltörn vor Rio de Janeiro bei Sonnenuntergang
The tour starts at the middle of the afternoon at the pier in Urca near to Bar urca. We will sail by the Fortress of São João, Fortress Laje and Fortress Santa Cruz, and close to the Island of Boa Viagem in Niterói. There will be one stop point at Adão e Eva beach or Praia Vermelha, perfect for picture taking and if you are interested to swim! Then we will pass by the Museum of Contemporary Art and sail back with the amazing view of the sunset on the horizon. There are gorgeous views of Sugar Loaf and Christ the Redeemer throughout the ride, as they are central to the scenery of Rio's coast. The tour finishes after the sunset to make the most of this amazing view of the city. Other things to note You must bring your camera, sunscreen, swimsuit and flip flops.
Entdecke die echte Comuna 13 mit einem einheimischen Guide
¡Descubre el tour más completo de la Comuna 13, una experiencia inolvidable que te sumergirá en un mundo de historia, arte y autenticidad! Este emocionante recorrido se realiza a pie y te llevará a paradas estratégicamente seleccionadas para desvelar la riqueza de esta comunidad. Caminarás por nuestras calles impregnadas de color y pintura, escucharás historias narradas por la vida misma de quienes habitan aquí y serás testigo de las únicas escaleras eléctricas en toda Latinoamérica En un barrio. Pero eso no es todo. En este viaje, tendrás la oportunidad de saborear uno de nuestros productos más emblemáticos y disfrutar de panorámicas impresionantes de la ciudad de Medellín. Pero lo más especial es que tendrás acceso a lugares que, hace no mucho tiempo, eran inexplorables para muchos. En este tour, no solo explorarás la Comuna 13, sino que vivirás su transformación en tiempo real. Nuestro punto más destacado: somos guías locales de la Comuna 13, apasionados por mostrar al mundo que el cambio es posible. Hemos pasado de ser uno de los lugares más violentos de Medellín a convertirnos en el destino número 1 para los visitantes. Únete a nosotros y sé parte de esta asombrosa historia de resiliencia y esperanza. ¡Reserva tu aventura ahora y sé testigo de un verdadero milagro de transformación! Estamos legalmente constituidos con Registro Nacional de Turismo No.84040

Beliebt bei Einheimischen

Werde Imker für einen Tag
Come experience the wonderful world of the honeybee where we encourage you to take pictures. We begin our 1 1/2 hour experience near Tampa, Florida. I have several different locations to choose from ranging from Farm to urban areas. The address showing will not be the place that you will have your experience. After you book I will send out the location. It will be either Lutz, Odessa, or S. Saint Petersburg. If you book first, I can be flexible as to location. We will begin with a demonstration of the equipment used in beekeeping as well as dressing up in our full bee suits and then immediately start the hands-on experience. At this point you will be able to see, feel, hear and touch apis mellifera (the European honey bee!) as I guide you to a better understanding of these amazing creatures. During our time together you will manipulate equipment, ask questions and get a practical appreciation of the bees. After, you will enjoy a refreshment while we discuss your recent experiences. Upon completion, we provide a 5 oz honey jar and honey dipper to say thank you for being a beekeper for a day! Things to note: PLEASE BRING BOOTS or Tennis shoes. There is always a chance of getting stung, So if you are allergic to bees please choose a different experience. We want you to come away feeling alive and in tune with the natural world. You will be wearing a full bee suit.
Aquarellmalerei in der Serra da Cantareira
Você começará a experiência permeando um pedacinho da Serra da Cantareira e conhecendo o Atelier Alma do Artista, um lugar muito agradável em contato com a mata atlântica e se você tiver sorte poderá até desfrutar do encontro com macacos e tucanos. Entre riscos e rabiscos inspirados pela natureza do local você fará uma vivência de pintar uma Aquarela orientada por mim. Uma viagem pelo universo de cores e texturas conversando com a fluidez da água nesta técnica de pintura maravilhosa. Como resultado terá uma Obra de Arte singular como lembrança deste momento onírico que vai levar com você, para guardar sob a magia dos pigmentos. A experiência acontecerá na maior floresta urbana do mundo. Aproveite!
Imersão no mundo dos Cafés Especiais
Já imaginou ter a incrível oportunidade de vivenciar todas as etapas do café especial? Desde o conhecimento sobre o grão verde até explorar diversos métodos de preparo e, no final, ter a experiência de torrar o seu próprio café? Em meio a uma agradável conversa, acompanhada por deliciosas xícaras de café, mergulharemos na fascinante jornada da cadeia do café especial, desde o cultivo da planta até chegar à sua xícara. Será uma imersão prática e interativa, onde você terá a chance de se envolver diretamente, participando ativamente de cada etapa. Aprenderá a selecionar o café verde, obterá informações valiosas sobre os rótulos dos cafés, experimentará diferentes técnicas de preparo da bebida (utilizando até 5 métodos distintos), e também receberá uma introdução à arte de provar café. E para encerrar com chave de ouro, após algumas orientações, você terá a oportunidade de torrar o seu próprio café. Desenvolvemos um método que proporciona uma experiência agradável, prática e descontraída, transmitindo um conteúdo rico de maneira leve e envolvente.
Foto-Entdeckung auf der Paulista Avenue
Prepare-se para vivenciar um dia extraordinário capturando momentos em um dos deslumbrantes parques de São Paulo, acompanhado por um talentoso fotógrafo. Durante o ensaio, exploraremos um roteiro que encanta todos os turistas, e posso garantir que nossas fotos serão verdadeiras obras de arte! Detalhes do Ensaio: - Este ensaio fotográfico é uma imersão em momentos espontâneos, seja pela manhã ou à tarde, com duração de até 1 horas. - Você receberá de 30 a 40 fotos editadas em alta resolução em até 3 dias após o ensaio, enviadas através de um link no G. Drive. Em caso de chuva, podemos remarcar sem qualquer inconveniente. - Sinta-se à vontade para compartilhar qualquer pedido especial que tenha em mente. Se tiver um local específico em mente para a sessão de fotos, estou totalmente aberto a sugestões e animado para ouvir suas ideias. :) Será um prazer recebê-lo e tenho certeza de que esta será uma experiência memorável. Se surgirem dúvidas, basta enviar uma mensagem aqui no Airbnb ou pelo Insta.: @wolfart._ Até lá! Rodrigo Rodrigues
Meskal-Verkostung und umfassende Entdeckung in Mexiko-Stadt
Discover the heart of Mexican mezcal culture in an intimate and enriching experience. Through a sensory and educational journey, you'll explore the history, distillation processes, and unique varieties of mezcal, from its ancestral roots to its position in the modern world. Guided by experts Victor and Paco, you'll dive into a carefully curated tasting that promises not only exquisite tastings but also a deep understanding of this cherished spirit. Through the 5 senses, each participant will deeply explore the unique characteristics of mezcal. Beyond a tasting, this session seeks to create a deep connection among participants, mezcal, and the culture that surrounds it. This immersive tasting promises not just a journey through taste but also a cultural immersion that celebrates the rich heritage of mezcal in Mexico.

Besonders gut bewertet aufgrund ihrer Einzigartigkeit

Echter Tango mit einem Tänzer
Bailar Tango es una apertura del alma hacia la otra persona con la que bailas, es un sentir mágico que de entenderlo o sentirlo, comprendes de forma automática que es un estilo de vida y del porque este movimiento perduró en el tiempo hasta el día de hoy, que se sigue viviendo en diferentes bares y rincones de la ciudad. Esta experiencia es para eso! No es sólo verlo o conocerlo…. Es entenderlo, vivirlo y sobre todo sentirlo! Y como vamos a conseguir todo esto? - Iremos a una pequeña y antigua mansión en el corazón de San Telmo (barrio tanguero) donde podremos estar relajados al aire libre en la terraza en privado para nosotros. - Haremos juntos una clase de tango grupal (no es obligatorio hacerlo, pero si recomendable) aprenderemos lo básico para luego poder bailar junto a la gente local. - Ahora si, vamos a la milonga!!!! la milonga es el lugar donde la gente local va a bailar (auto privado incluido) - Show Al final... veremos un show de una orquesta en vivo o una pareja de bailarines.
Erlebe das versteckte Afrika in Kolumbien
We will take a cultural walk around the Palenqe of Benkos, off the beaten path, where you will be immersed in the Africa hidden in Colombia. We named it Black Legacy Experience, because it is definitely an essential place for our black history in Colombia. This town hosts a sort of spin off of Cartagena's history in timeline. We are new in Airbnb, but you can check out a bit of our trajectory on IG @blacklegacyexperiences We’ll pick you up, and here begins our journey. We’ll be on the road for around 60 minutes. There, we meet our friend, the native guide and we start our walk. We visit meaningful spots such as the monuments of Benkos Biohó (the town founder) and Kid Pambelé (World Boxing Champion) and the Traditional medicine yard, among others. After that, we conclude with a glorious traditional lunch. We also learn some words in their language as we tell you the story, so you'll be able to greet natives and you'll receive, not only their greeting back, but also their smiles. So, be prepared to interact and experience this community of resistant and warm people. BTW: We manage this experience by private circles for your safety and comfort, so please check your price depending on the number of people you’re coming with. Applies for solo, couple or group travelers. Any questions, DO NOT hesitate to contact us. Sigifredo Calvo is our friend and vehicle provider
Das echte Viñales-Tal abseits des Tourismus <auch ab Viñales>
Hola, Welcome to a Genuine Adventure not a generic tour We won't take you to "farms" already set up for visitors and tourist trap attractions Instead we'll have fun in a relaxing exploration of the heart of the Valley, passing by tobacco fields and other crops meeting and engaging along the way with farmer friends and family,enjoying the best Piña Colada ever We'll visit Don Pepe's Farm, 6th generation of expert tobacco farmers to learn first hand about the traditional methods of cultivation that has made Habanos Cigars the best in the world We'll enjoy lots of great stories about country life style while witnessing a Cigar rolling demonstration Don't leave without tasting Don Pepe's craft made cigars.That’s on us We'll continue to explore the Valley by foot and those who want to go for even more fun can join Pochy a genuine Cuban cowboy for an optional horseback riding experience Our adventure goes on visiting my aunt Papita's Coffee Farm. You'll simply love her and the farm! Papita will share the secrets of a long family tradition More incredible stories and laugh while tasting a memorable farm to table home cooked meal Don't miss the Cave El Farallón with impressive carstic formations 200M old Join us, feel like a dear friend, not a tourist NOTICE: The Experience total cost is 80€ Due to our high inflation we are collecting 65€ on spot SORRY for the inconvenience
Crea tu propio anillo de esmeralda colombiana
Colombia is known as the coffee country, well, we got much more history linked to the “green gold”. Emeralds are part of the selected group of precious stones and the 60% of them in the world are originally from Colombia. Become part of the Emerald legend, by creating a ring with your own hands. This tour starts by having an introduction about the importance of emeralds for precolonial and colonial culture. We will go through the emerald and jewelry district to learn about the history of the precious metals and stones and its influence in Colombian culture. We will take a look at the emerald market to see the different minerals and qualities. Then we will work on your new ring, where you will decide all! the design, the stone and material, by the personal advisory of a orfebre (jewelry master) who teaches you how to do every single step.
Bereite mit einem Chefkoch Tacos al Pastor zu
During this experience, you will learn to cook the famous "tacos al pastor" with my dad, a professional instructor and culinary artist, who will share his tips and recipes with you. We'll meet at the local market to buy ingredients and learn more about Mexican spices and food. Then we'll return to my family home, where you will learn how to marinate the meat for the tacos. You will prepare red salsa, green salsa, and guacamole, and make your own tortillas on the traditional Mexican "Comal"—a smooth, flat griddle. At the end, we'll put everything together to make the tacos, sit and enjoy what you have prepared, and learn a little more about Mexican gastronomy. Other things to note We will send later, the recipes through email. You can take the class in English, Spanish, or French. We can also offer a chicken and a vegetarian version.

Alle Aktivitäten in der Nähe von Latin America

Graffiti-Tour Comuna Trece und Streetfood
What does the tour include? - Local guide in Spanish or English - Delicious Empanadas - Fried platane with mashed up tomato and onion - Mini Sausages - Mango ice cream - Know the story behind many graffiti - Visit the escalators of Comuna 13 - Artistic Shows in Comuna 13 - Visit another neighborhood called Independencia 2 And much more. What will we do? First we will go up the mountain called Independencia 1, wich one is the neightborhood with more graffitis in all Medellín, and we will be explainig you the history behind a lot of graffitis. Then we'll go inside my Grandmother's home (this is when the guide is Jamerson or Jeaneth). We'll try an expecial and typical mango ice cream with salt and lemon wich one is including in the tour, and inside my Grandmother's home I will explain you everything about the painful past of la Comuna 13, and our personal histories like locals of la Comuna 13 as well. Then we will take the escalators that leads to the top of the mountain, and I will show you an amazing viewpoint to see all Medellin City, (here we will try more local food). Then we'll go to Independencia 2 to see more about the second part of the history, explaining about the biggest urban mass grave in a all the world, Present and Transformation of the Comuna 13 as well. After we will go back to the meeting point to do the end of the tour.
Two Brothers the most beautiful hike in Rio
Hike Two Brothers - Brings you to arguably the best view in Rio! An experience for the more adventurous, going up the Favela via **MOTO TAXI** and then hiking up the trail, passing through a territory unknown (Favela Vidigal). The view stretches 365 degrees around the city. You'll see the Christ statue, Lagoa, Sugar Loaf, Ilhas Cagarras, Niterói and the Bay of Rio which are all visible at the peak. There isn't another place in the city of Rio besides Pedra da Gávea that has this unique view! ****(We also offer the best rated and most impactful FAVELA TOUR here in Rio de Janeiro). Dont just book any tour. **** Come with Experience Rio, why? 1. We employ guides from Vidigal. 2. It's always better to have a local guide when entering a Favela. 3. With experience Rio, you will be led by professional guides with knowledge about the history of Vidigal/Rocinha + Rio. 4. Our guides are here to specifically make sure your time is amazing, we will show you all the best places for photos and of course take a few for the gram! 4. (5%) of profits goes to cleaning the trail + reforestation. 5. 15% goes back to the Favela through our Favela tour (so please check it out!) *READ:The hike is medium/hard level with difficult rock inclines!! 1 hr of hiking UP which equates to roughly 350M in elevation. NOT recommend for those with health issues or who doesn't hike. Book a private tour!
Streetfood essen wie ein Einheimischer
*This experience is not for vegans, its not gluten free or lactose free. For vegetarians is fine under order ( so let us know your dietary restrictions) FOR CHEESE LOVERS * We need at least 3 people to guide the experience, if you are solo traveller try to book days where we already have reservations Becasuse the heat, this experience is not recommended for chilcren under 5 years old If you are visiting Cartagena de Indias and want to discover the most incredible flavors, then you need to eat like a local so you will understand what are the unmissable recipes between cartageneros. We will start this experience by learning bout the Chinese influence in our culture. Our first stop has been the oldest restaurant in the city with more than 90 years old and the only one that has had 3 generations in charge. We will try the most incredible combination of Chinese and local flavors. We will also try the local soda which is one of the oldest soda in the world and we will be allowed to learn about the different preparations with this soda. Afterwards we will visit the most popular bakery in the old city with more than 30 years old. We will try a Colombian bread and we will discover how we match the salted with the sweet in a pastry. Then, we will try the best way to eat plantain . We will also try different fruits
Unforgettable Hot Air Balloon Ride Over the City of the Gods
WELCOME TO THE BEST HOT AIR BALLOON ADVENTURE IN MEXICO This is the one & only experience held by an Airbnb SuperHost (see profile). It is also the safest, funnest, with spacious baskets, a bilingual team and zero gimmicks with no tourists traps. PRICING SUMMARY PER PERSON in MXN: Booking fee for sunrise flight $300 (via app) ADD ONS: + Balloon ride $2,500 cash + Transportation $400 (round-trip from accommodation) + Guided tour of Archeological site $400 + Breakfast $200 Note that by booking, you pay to guarantee your seat. The balloon ride and the rest are due on the day of the experience. After booking is confirmed, you pick an itinerary. OPTION 1 Express (~5 hours) Balloon flight + round-trip transportation Return after landing aiming to be back in CDMX ~10 am Total: $2,900 cash/$3,050 card OPTION 2 Full Experience (~8 hours) Includes option 1 + guided tour of archeological site + Breakfast Return after breakfast aiming to be back in CDMX ~1 pm Total: $3,500 cash/$3,700 card Note that we don’t offer the full experience without the guided tour or breakfast (vegan and vegetarian options available) PICK-UPs - Roma/Condesa - Juarez/Cuauhtemoc/San Rafael - Tabacalera/Centro (only pick-up in zocalo area) - Polanco/Anzures Otherwise, meeting point will be the Angel of the Independence roundabout. Private and group rides available on request. Read the FAQ below
Streetfood, Bars und Dachterrassen in Poblado mit Einheimischen
*This tour is just for adults (from 18 years) and we only host it in English. During the walk in El Poblado, you will taste 5 delicious types of Colombian street food, learn about their preparation, and ingredients. You will learn about Colombian gastronomy and culture. **Please don’t get dinner before the tour so you can eat all the included snacks. El Poblado is the area with the largest gastronomic and entertainment offer in the city, which you should definitely explore, to know the best places to have fun and it feels safe to walk around. Our tour guides will recommend great nightclubs, restaurants, and different activities to do in Medellin, so you can enjoy more your vacations here. In addition to food stops, you will also visit 2 bars, one of them is located on a rooftop with a breathtaking view of the mountains, where you could get delicious cocktails and hang out with other travelers. Join the tour and you will: 1. Try new food 2. Visit an amazing rooftop 3. Get recommendations for bars and restaurants 4. Make friends with common interests ***If you see that no one has booked, don't worry, we usually have more reservations on other platforms :) **If there are no more places, please send us a message ;) **We don't have gluten-free food options **We don't have food options for vegans **This tour is not recommended for people with reduced mobility.
Lichter in Condado – Paddeln bei Nacht
Our award winning LED Night Kayak excursion is unlike anything you've ever done before! Upon check-in, put on your colorful glow paint, aka “War Paint” and snap some great photos! Your guides will then provide a quick “Kayak 101.” (Make sure to listen up, this is key to a FUN and safe adventure). Ready, set, GLOW! Enjoy the LED glow of your kayak as well as the CITY LIGHTS surrounding the entire lagoon. These skyline views are breathtaking! This is truly a great way to see the city from a different perspective and have an absolute blast while doing so. What else? Our kayaks have CLEAR bottoms, like a glass-bottom boat - you may even spot a Seastar near the mangroves! This guided Urban Adventure is a "must do" when visiting San Juan. Don't miss out, paddle out, and "Experience the GLOW!" Notes: - Our 6pm tour is our "Dusk to Dark" tour. It'll be completely dark by 6:15pm. - Time on the water = 45 minutes. Plenty of time on land before and after for photos with glow paint, tiki torches, etc. - Complimentary storage area is available, at your own risk. We are not responsible for damaged, lost, or stolen items. - Kayaks are 2 person kayaks. Maximum weight per kayak is 400lbs. Maximum weight per person is 285lbs.
Schnorcheln, Seilrutschen, Quads und Cenoten
Enjoy playing with mokeys, snorkeling in the coral reef, 5 ziplining into the jungle, shared ATVs and two cenotes swimming, all in one day! Important: For comunity access fees, shared ATV rentals, boat transportation and roundtrip transportation, you must pay 80 USD per person additional to the arb and b reservation cost. Discover the world's second largest barrier reef right out front the little fishing village of Puerto Morelos and explore the Mayan jungle ziplining through its trees, fourwheeling deep into jungles terrain and swimming in a, fresh-water Mayan cenote Duration 8 hours. Included: Regional Snack Photos playing with monkeys Round Trip transportation Aprox 1.5 hours of snorkeling Free time to visit Puerto Morelos Mask, Fins, snorkeltube, Lifejackets 5 zip lines & equipment (Skyboarding,Monkeysteps,Trainline) 1 zipline into the open cenote cenote cave Shared ATV (optional: five u sd more for individual atv) About: Puerto Morelos, on the boat, you’ll find bright coral formations and marine life in clear, shallow water Deep inside the Mayan jungle, the team will welcome you, Now you are ready to zip through the trees on 5 ziplines, feel the adrenaline going off track on the 50 min ATV-ride and cool off by jumping into a 100% natural, freshwater open cenote and swiming into a close cenote cave. Back at base enjoy some typical empanada
Unvergessliche Radtour zu Cenoten
This magical experience starts in our meeting spot in our town Chemuyil, where we will get ready for our adventure. My town is located: -20-25 mins approx. from Tulum (downtown) -35-40 mins approx. from Playa del Carmen (downtown) -2 hrs. approx. from Cancun (downtown) If you don’t have a car, or don’t know how to get to this place, please feel free to contact me to get more recommendations on transportation you can use. This is a LOCAL EXPERIENCE. You will get to know, not only these cenotes that have seen us grow up, but places with a lot of meaning to us. We will ride on our bicycles through our hometown making our way to three different cenotes around our community. Physical wear with the bicycles is minimum. We spend most of the time in the water. Riding the bicycles will be, 20-25 mins(total). Distance from cenote to cenote is 5-10 mins. If you are looking for a fancy activity, something fast, big company tours, this is DEFINITELY NOT FOR YOU. Instead, if you want to experience our hometown, our cenotes, having adventures, talk to us, share stories and making new friends while getting to know about our project, then you have found the perfect experience for you. The experience includes: -3 cenotes -Local guide -Urban type bicycle -Snorkel equipment -Lifejacket(optional) -Fruits & drinking water What's not included?(Optional): -Underwater photos package -Local food
Frenchmen Street: Pub-Tour mit Livemusik
Get ready to PARTY!! This 3-hour private tour includes drinks, and will take you beyond Bourbon Street to the music clubs, and cocktail bars of Frenchmen Street, the live music capital of New Orleans. Frenchmen Street has been featured in many films and shows such as HBO's Treme, The Simpsons, and the hit movie Girl's Trip. Drake also shot a large portion of his video for 'In My Feelings' on Frenchmen Street. Do this experience your 1st night!! You'll have a local Jazz musician as your party guide. We will take you to hear the best live music at Frenchmen Street's hottest clubs. You'll hear New Orleans music history, ghost stories, and tales of musical New Orleans from 1718-until now. At each venue, we will take the time to listen and dance to live bands. At our first bar, you will be given a choice of a premium Louisiana cocktail, such as a "Hurricane". You’ll dance the night away and experience the Frenchmen Street scene. We'll definitely get to meet some new friends too! You will have access to VIP Sections at clubs and VIP DRINK SPECIALS. If you like glitter and eclectic local art, we will visit the Frenchmen Art Market as well. We will help you be in the right place at the right time to see world class Jazz, brass bands, latin, funk, electronic, rock, blues, americana, zydeco, EDM, hip hop, and DJs.
Kochkurs: traditionelle Gerichte von Oaxaca
¡Bienvenidos a mi casa, su casa! Soy Mimi López Hernández y lo primero que haremos será cocinar nuestra propia salsa para nuestro auténtico desayuno oaxaqueño. Después vamos a conocer los ingredientes orgánicos que utilizaremos en nuestra receta tradicional de Oaxaca: unos de los famosos siete moles de Oaxaca y unos deliciosos tamales al estilo de nuestro valle; haremos un brindis con mezcal para iniciar la experiencia y manos a la obra. La cocina oaxaqueña esta representada mundialmente por famosos platillos que podremos preparar y así conozcas un poco más de nuestra forma de comerlos, estos platillos serán los que te llevarás en tu corazón y aprenderás a cómo hacerlo desde el principio hasta el fin. No olvides que te involucrarás en todos los procesos para que conozcas el significado cultural de cada uno, aprenderás a hacer tortillas a mano y ponerlas en el comal así que ven listo para ¡participar y comer!. Después de eso ahora si a la mesa, comeremos juntos lo que preparamos. La cocina tradicional en Oaxaca es una herencia cultural y yo te compartiré la experiencia de visitar mi casa para que vivas una experiencia totalmente tradicional. ¡Ven preparado para disfrutar! Para tu comodidad las clases están disponibles en inglés, con características especiales para veganos o vegetarianos, solo házmelo saber con anticipación. ¡Bienvenido a Oaxaca!
Buenos Aires für Neugierige – entdecke den Süden der Stadt
:: Please, check the language options by date before booking :: Discover Buenos Aires from an anthropological point of view. Don't expect to just walk and listen: be prepared to talk, make questions and discuss about the past, present and future of the Argentinean capital. Beginning in Lezama Park and ending in Casa Rosada, this walk offers you the chance to approach this beautiful city from its historical past in an attempt to understand its current present. Who were the first inhabitants? Why were the British so interested in this shores? Where is the African-descendant population? Where did all these white people come from? What is the deal with Evita and Perón? Who were the "desaparecidos" during the military dictatorship? And why do we have such a big problem with the US dollar? These are just some of the many questions we will try to answer in our walk through the most historical part of town.
Xochimilco und mexikanische Fiesta
¡RESERVA LA EXPERIENCIA #1 EN XOCHIMILCO! Bebidas ilimitadas, Concurso de guacamole y snacks locales, juegos y muchas sorpresas más. IG @xochiamigas • Abordaremos una trajinera, un barco tradicional y colorido. • Navegaremos los canales (2 horas de recorrido), disfrutando de bocadillos frescos preparados por nuestro chef mientras bailamos al ritmo de la música. • Participa en nuestro legendario concurso de Guacamole y muestra tus habilidades culinarias entre amigos y viajeros. • Disfruta de bebidas tradicionales mexicanas ILIMITADAS de alta calidad para una experiencia épica. • Rompe el hielo y conecta con otros viajeros a través de juegos a bordo. • Déjate tentar por las ofertas de los vendedores locales que ofrecen auténticas delicias mexicanas como quesadillas y elotes, todo ello ambientado con la vibrante música de mariachi (*comida adicional y música en vivo no incluida). • Opcionalmente puedes visitar el santuario del Axolote (~8 USD). • Finaliza el recorrido explorando el Mercado de Artesanías. • El tour es al aire libre, ten cuidado con las posibles caídas. ¡Ofrecemos tours privados, transporte privado ó eventos personalizados! Nuestro objetivo es: - Que disfrutes un lugar icónico de la CDMX, apoyando la economía local, siendo responsable con el medio ambiente e impulsando un proyecto iniciado por mujeres que buscan generar un cambio positivo en Xochimilco.
Nachtleben von Medellín / Dachterrassen und Clubs / Provenza
Embark on a fun-filled journey through the lively nightlife of El Poblado, Medellin! Start with a cool get-together at a rooftop with a 360-degree view, sipping tasty drinks. Then, move to another awesome rooftop to keep the fun going. Get ready to join the coolest parties in Medellin! Explore the vibrant Provenza district, home to Colombia's best spots with top DJs and entertainment. Discover hidden gems of the hottest clubs, where DJs from around the world play amazing music. No worries if you can't join at the start—We'll add you to a group chat and send live locations throughout the tour so you can join in at any time! There are some rules for what to wear, and you need to bring an ID. For boys, no flip-flops, shorts, caps, tank tops, or big bags. For girls, it's best not to wear mini skirts, clothes that show a lot, see-through things, ripped jeans, or big bags. Following these rules helps everyone have a fancy and super memorable time. Quick note: If you're planning this is as a bar crawl, send us a message before booking to make sure there are already many people attending. Sometimes our tours get sold out so it's best to not wait too long before booking. We can not guarantee these tours to be booked up. It could be 1 other person or 10 other people. You could be alone. We will suggest sometimes to move to the next night where there are more people.
Yoga am Strand, Meditation und Klangbad
Start your day on La Isla Del Encanto with us! In this amazing beach yoga & meditation, you will experience a unique connection with nature while immersing yourself in the tranquil surroundings of the beach. The class incorporates the use of sound bowl healing, which enhances the meditative experience by creating soothing vibrations and harmonious sounds. During the yoga session, you will be guided through a series of invigorating and graceful poses that are specifically designed to promote strength, flexibility, and mindfulness. The combination of the rhythmic ocean waves, warm sand beneath your feet, and the gentle sea breeze will create a serene atmosphere, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the practice. Whether a beginner or an experienced yogi, this beach yoga class and meditation will provide a rejuvenating experience that nourishes body, mind, and spirit. Meet other travelers or locals, take an ocean dip and grab brunch. Join us and leave feeling refreshed and revitalized. Private Parties: We are happy to set up this experience for you anywhere on the island, just book a private session. *Please note if there is no spot available for a given day send a message. Follow us on IG at Crystalvidayoga. See our other experiences- Full and New Moon Cacao Ceremonies, Breath and Sound
Tulum: gesellige Kneipentour
Meet fellow partyers at Social Pub Crawl! Discover the nightlife of Tulum and get all-access to the hottest venues. All guided by our friendly team of party professionals. They keep the mini-games going - and drinks flowing. Start getting hyped for the night of your life! What you get: * An exciting, safe, inclusive and well-organised journey through Tulum’s nightlife * Free entrance to all the party venues * Unlimited free drinks in the pre-party (yeah, that's right) * Unlimited free tequila/vodka shots in between venues * Every venue at least 1 free shot+ discounts up to 60% * Glow in the dark facepaint, party props How it works: * 20:30-21:00 Pre-party with free drinks * 21:00-22:00 drinking games to get to know eachother * 22:00-23:15 Second venue, here we will play our famous challenges. You don't have to participate, but.... winners get a free bottle of Champagne! * 23:15-1:00 we Crawl 2 more venues * 1:00-3:00 our pro's are allowed to go home, pubcrawl is officially finished, but the party continues till 3:00 ;) What else: * Travelling solo? We'll make sure that you make lots of friends. Need something off your chest? Our hosts will help you! * Every night we have group of minimum 10 fellow partyers * We stronly believe that our pubcrawl is the absolute best in Mexico. From start to end not satisfied? You have our official money-back guarantee.